Privacy Policy


Welcome to our website/application (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). We value your privacy and are committed to protecting the personal information you provide while using our services. This privacy policy aims to explain to you how we collect, use, store, share, and protect your personal information.


Collection of Information

The information you voluntarily provided

When you register an account, fill out forms, participate in surveys, post comments, or conduct transactions, you may provide us with personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, payment information, etc.
Any content you upload or submit, such as photos, documents, or other files, may contain personal information.

The information we automatically collect

When you access our services, we may automatically collect information about your device, browser type, operating system, IP address, visit time, page views, and click behavior.
We may use cookies and similar technologies to collect and store your preferences and activity information in order to provide personalized experiences and improve our services.


Use of Information

Provide and improve services

We use your information to provide, maintain, protect, and improve our services, including processing transactions, resolving technical issues, and enhancing the functionality and security of our services.

Personalized experience

We provide personalized content, recommendations, and advertisements based on your preferences and behaviors.

Communication and Notification

We may use your email address or phone number to contact you in order to respond to your inquiries, send important notifications, or provide updates on our services.

Legal compliance

We may use your information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or government requirements when necessary.


Your rights

Accessing and correcting your information

You have the right to access, correct or update your personal information. You can exercise these rights by logging into your account or contacting our customer service.

Delete your information

In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal information. We will process your request in accordance with legal requirements after receiving and verifying it.

Restrict the processing of your information

You have the right to request restrictions on the processing of your personal information, such as during the period when you question the accuracy of the information.

Data portability

In some cases, you have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information and transfer it to other service providers.


Security measures

We take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information, including but not limited to the use of encryption technology, access control, and security audits. However, please note that no Internet transmission or storage method is 100% secure.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this privacy policy, please contact us through the following contact information:
Phone: 0086 18452338163